Help Support The Future Of Gonstead
The Clinic

Past, Present, Future & Purpose


Began as a result of the determination to prevent the sale of the Gonstead Clinic to a potential non-Chiropractic entity or a non-Gonstead practitioner–owner. The original Board members included: Dr.’s Larry Troxell, John Thatcher, Phyllis Markham


To continue the work of Dr. Clarence Gonstead and his tireless effort to better understand the relationship between structure and function as it relates to the spine, extremities and overall health.

The Board serves to oversee and maintain both the functional and productive needs of the clinic. In addition, we own and operate the sales of the Gonstead Chapters and the recently edited and updated hardcover version.

The Chapters provide the basic knowledge and understanding of the Gonstead system of analysis and its philosophy.

The Gonstead System is the gold standard within the profession. Dr. Gonstead was considered the greatest Chiropractor to have ever lived due to the sheer volume of patient results he achieved with their care. His tireless devotion to finding the most specific adjustment for each ailment, utilizing his objective means of radiographic, instrumentation, visualization, static, and motion palpation techniques.


To continue productive growth with patient care and add 1-2 additional Chiropractors committed to the Gonstead system.

To be a beacon in the profession fulfilling Dr. Gonstead’s goal of having this clinic for Chiropractic. This encompasses ongoing seminar instruction and research endeavors.

We are grateful to those first-generation Chiropractors directly trained by Dr. Gonstead.
Their tireless devotion to the Gonstead system furthered Dr. Gonstead’s vision for our profession.

We are now two generations removed from Dr. Gonstead. It is time to recognize the past few decades of scientific research investigation identifying spinal structures, notably, the disc and its neurological relationship with health and function. Understanding the dynamic relationship of the Autonomic Nervous System and the research from “Spine Journal” in August 2019 that identifies Chiropractic adjustments have an influence upon visceral health. Young Chiropractic students and doctors are seeking a precise methodology to best serve the clinical needs of their patients.

The Gonstead system threads the needle of understanding with clinical care enabling our profession the tools required for a solid scientific approach to successful clinical practice.

We believe in the priority of unity among the different Gonstead organizations. We need to keep our focus on core Gonstead principles that unite us all together. We respect the varying opinions about the Gonstead discipline and desire to promote all legitimate Gonstead organizations devoted to furthering Dr. Gonstead’s work for the benefit of humanity.

No other Chiropractic system or technique compares to the benefit of a Gonstead-specific corrective adjustment.


Be a part of Preserving the Legacy

The foundation exists today with a mission of preservation and advancement of the Gonstead system and the Gonstead Clinic of Chiropractic in Mt. Horeb, Wisconsin.
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